Slow results from EVE's Servers. Results may take longer than normal to appear.

How do you trade?

Station Trading

Finding the most profitable items to buy low, and then sell high without leaving the station.

Station Trade at

Suggestions: Jita Amarr Dodixie Rens Hek

Sales Tax (in %)

Broker Fee (in %)

Return margins above

and below

Volume Above

A station is required.

Station to Station Trading

Finding the most profitable trade routes based on given filter parameters.
Orders change frequently. Profit is not guaranteed. Verify prices are accurate.

Hold Shift to add all stations in a system.
The more systems added, the longer the query will take.

Starting Stations

Suggestions: Jita Amarr Dodixie Rens Hek

Ending Stations

Suggestions: Jita Amarr Dodixie Rens Hek

PROCEED WITH CAUTION. It is highly recommended to only search from SELL Orders to BUY Orders. If you continue, be sure to set your ROI and Profit limit higher than usual.
Searching from Orders to Orders returns a very large resultset and can take a while or crash your browser.
Be sure to completely understand what information you are searching for in order to minimize the number of results returned to your browser.
Some recommended settings: ROI Greater Than 250% | Profits Greater Than 100,000,000 ISK

A starting point, and at least one destination is required. Starting point cannot equal Destination.

Region to Region Trading

Finding the most profitable trade routes based on given filter parameters.
Orders change frequently. Profit is not guaranteed. Verify prices are accurate.

Starting Region

Destination Region

 Sell to nearby regions

PROCEED WITH CAUTION. It is highly recommended to only search from SELL Orders to BUY Orders. If you continue, be sure to set your ROI and Profit limit higher than usual.
Searching from Orders to Orders returns a very large resultset and can take a while or crash your browser.
Be sure to completely understand what information you are searching for in order to minimize the number of results returned to your browser.
Some recommended settings: ROI Greater Than 250% | Profits Greater Than 100,000,000 ISK

A starting region, and a destination is required.

Deal finding is dependant on connection speed and number of filters.
Best viewed on a laptop or desktop.